
Breed Standard

GENERAL APPEARANCE The Berger Picard is a medium-sized, well-muscled dog, with a rough coat, erect


The Berger Picard is a lively, energetic, affectionate dog that is still primarily used in France for herding. Their intelligence and protective instincts make them suitable as guard dogs as well. They are excellent family companions and very good with children.


The head is free of wrinkles and proportional to the size of the dog. The skull and muzzle are of equal length, parallel to one another, and joined at a very slight stop. There is a slight median furrow between the bony arches over the eyes.


SKULL - The skull is broad and slightly domed. It is covered with harsh-textured hair about 1½ inches in length which causes the skull to appear nearly flat when viewed from the front. The cheeks are just slightly rounded. The hair above the eyes falls forward, forming rough eyebrows that are not trimmed nor are they so thick or long as to obscure the eyes.

MUZZLE - Viewed from above, the muzzle tapers slightly from the stop to the nose, but is powerful and never snipey. In profile, the bridge of the muzzle is straight. Lips are thin and tight with dark pigment. The hair on the muzzle forms a distinct mustache and beard.

TEETH - The Berger Picard has a complete set of evenly spaced, white teeth meeting in a scissors bite. Faults: Missing up to two premolars. Level mouth. Serious faults: Missing up to four premolars. Disqualifications: More than four missing teeth. Overshot or undershot.

NOSE - The nose is large and always black.Disqualification: Nose any color other than black.

EYES – The eyes are of medium size, oval, and set on a horizontal axis. Eye color is brown, with the darkness of the color varying with the color of the coat, but never lighter than hazel. The eye rims are tight-fitting and black. The expression is intelligent and confident.Serious faults: Eyes set obliquely. Eyes too lightDisqualifications: Wall eyes. Non-matching eyes.

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 Please consider any any addition information I may have failed to ask that you think will help us getting to know you and in placing the most suited Berger Picard puppy for your home. 



EARS – Ears are of moderate size (about 3 inches tall), set rather high, and always carried naturally erect. They are broad at the base and slightly rounded at the tips. From the front, the outer edge of the ear points straight up, although it may point slightly outward and still be acceptable. Faults: Ears taller than 4¾ inches. Ears set too low or too close together. Outer edge of ear that points inward toward the tip.  Disqualification: Ears not fully erect.

NECK - The neck is long but strong and muscular, blending smoothly into well-laid-back shoulders. The head is carried proudly erect.Faults: Neck too thin and weak. Neck too short and thick.

FOREQUARTERS - The shoulder blades are long, smoothly muscled, and moderately laid back. FORELEGS - The forelegs are straight and strong, with slightly sloping pasterns. The elbows are neither close to the body nor out, but are set on a plane parallel to the body.

Faults: Pastern too steep or down in pastern.

BODY - The body is just slightly longer (measured from prosternum to point of buttocks) than tall (measured from the withers to the ground). The ribs are well sprung out from the spine, forming a strong back, then curving down and inward. The chest reaches no deeper than the elbows and extends in a gently rounded oval in front of the forelegs. The line of the back is straight. The loin is well-muscled and broad. The croup is slightly sloping and blends into the hindquarters in a gentle curve. The belly is slightly tucked up.

HINDQUARTERS - The angulation of the pelvis and femur is in balance with the angulation of the forequarters.

HIND LEGS - The hind legs are long and well muscled. The stifle and hock joints are moderately angulated. Rear pasterns are strong, lean, and of moderate length. Viewed from any angle, they are parallel to one another and perpendicular to the ground. When standing naturally, rear legs are spaced moderately apart and are set neither too far out behind the dog nor under.

FEET -Feet are compact, well-knit, and round in shape. Toes are well-arched. Pads are firm and supple. Nails are strong and dark in color. Dewclaws are removed.Disqualification: Double dewclaws.

TAIL - The tail is a natural extension of the topline. The tail is uncut, thick at the base, and tapers to the tip. When the dog is in repose, the tail just reaches to the hock, with the bottom of the tail forming a hook shaped like the letter “J” when viewed from the dog’s right side. When the dog is in action, the tail is carried higher but never above the level of the back. The tail is covered with hair of the same length as the body coat.Faults: Absence of coat on tail or plush coat on tail. Tail too short. Kink in tail.Disqualifications: Tail continuously carried over the back. Tail absent or bobbed.

COAT - The Berger Picard’s shaggy, rough, double coat is a distinctive characteristic of the breed. The length of the coat is about 2 to 2½ inches all over the body except for the head, where it is slightly shorter. The texture of the outer coat is harsh and crisp to the touch. The undercoat is soft and dense.Serious faults: Body coat shorter than 2 inches.

Disqualifications: Body coat shorter than 1½ inches. Soft or woolly coat. Curly coat. Flat coat.



COLOR - Color may be gray, gray-black, gray with black highlights, gray-blue, gray-red, light or dark fawn, or a mixture of these shades. A slight white marking is allowed on the chest and on the tips of the toes.  Faults: White patch on the chest forming a “shirtfront.” White all over the toes.  Disqualifications: Pure black or white. Harlequin or pied. All white chest or feet. White on the coat anywhere other than chest or feet. Albinism.

HEIGHT AND WEIGHT -- Desirable height at maturity for males is between 23½ and 25½ inches and, for females, between 21½ and 23½ inches.  Fault: Up to three-quarters of an inch above the maximum.

GAIT - The Berger Picard moves freely, with long, easy steps. His structure permits the abrupt turns, springing starts and sudden stops required of a herding dog.

ELIMINATING FAULTS  (An Eliminating Fault is a Fault serious enough that it eliminates the dog from obtaining any awards in a conformation event.)  Mature dog below the minimum height. Over three-quarters of an inch above the maximum height.

DISQUALIFICATIONS - Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid. Viciousness or extreme shyness. More than four missing teeth. Overshot or undershot. Nose any color other than black. Wall eyes. Non-matching eyes. Ear not fully erect. Double dewclaws. Tail continuously carried over the back. Tail absent or bobbed. Body coat shorter than 1½ inches. Soft or woolly coat. Curly coat. Flat coat. Pure black or white. Harlequin or pied. All white chest or feet. White on the coat anywhere other than chest or feet. Albinism.

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